2 min read

Notes From the Studio

Students from the Art in Excellence program stopped by during the Marquette Art Tour

Welcome new folks! This post can get you oriented to what this is all about.

My dad always says that the energy shifts on November 1st. It goes from fall to that liminal shoulder season where we wait for winter to arrive. A time for introspection and rest, wrapping up the warm season and preparing for the cold one. I honestly used to loathe this time of year, but as I've grown older and more broody I've started to appreciate it. Saunas, candles, and proper outdoor clothing help.

I've had a busy few weeks, with time being devoted to other projects, and to vacuuming up all the masonry dust from the window installation. That stuff gets everywhere. But it's cleaned up and the natural light is incredible! The doorway was framed in and I'll have a door soon, but, as I told everyone who's stopped by recently, it'll be open whenever I'm there.


I'm working on condensing my mindmap of ideas down to a presentation for next weekend's Revolve Creative Conference! My session is on Friday at 3pm. Hope to see you there!

Ink on Paper

I had a little printing station set up for the Marquette Art Tour (I didn't have enough T's in my very limited wood type to spell "Tour," hence it's a "walk"), so folks that stopped by could print their own souvenir. I absolutely love seeing the look on people's faces when they peel their print off the type. It's one of my favorite things about this art form, watching people who don't think they can "do" art realize that they actually can make stuff. Myself included.

It took a few failures, but I'm also getting the hang of using the old rubber vulcanizer for making stamps. I made a simple Phil Britton | Studio one for stamping the backs of cards. It's a fun process!

Other Rambles

Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. is an icon in the letterpress world. I listened to an awesome podcast interview with him recently, and picked up a copy of his new book. His philosophy of "the school of bad printing" really resonates with me, where he turns his back on "fine printing" and fully embraces the imperfections, smudges, and chaos of the medium. Hopefully we can bring him up to the UP sometime!

Thanks for reading!

See you out there,